
The Best Spinach, Feta and Olive Muffins

Hey Guys i`m back and with a very delicious muffin i might add. This muffin is full of spinach and olives!!! I absolutely love spinach and feta and these muffins give a different take on the classic spinach and feta that i`m sure everyone loves. You can leave the olives out if they are not your thing but i personally think they give these muffins a nice salty element. My secret ingredient in these muffins is Cayenne Pepper, it gives these muffins a bit of a kick and adds more flavour. You can have these muffin as a snack or even for breakfast in the morning if your having a busy morning. They are hardy and scrumptious and just about the perfect muffin. Serve these muffins with some butter and cheese or you can eat them by themselves. I personally love these muffins by themselves. Hope you guys love these muffins i mean you could even spice them up a bit by adding onions or broccoli and even kale. The options for these muffins are endless.

My Very First Blog Plus A Sneak Peak Into My Baking Passion

Hey guys so this is my very first blog post. I'm super excited to start this blog and share my passion with you guys. Basically I'll post many bakes that I've made and some of them will be healthy and others, well let's just say you should treat yourself once in a while. I think I'm starting this blog because I've always liked sharing what I've made with my friends and I would like to share all my bakes with you guys aswell. I love to make cakes and I mean come on who doesn't love cake. Heres a cake I made for my grans birthday and bare with me guys my pictures aren't as white and perfect as other blogs, but I promise they'll get better in the future. This is a chocolate cake with caramel and chocolate frosting, as well as some crushed oreos and some delicious strawberries. This cake is rich but it's light and fluffy, the perfect cake for a birthday party. I will put the recipe up for this cake and many more later on in my blogs.