The Best Spinach, Feta and Olive Muffins

Hey Guys i`m back and with a very delicious muffin i might add. This muffin is full of spinach and olives!!!

I absolutely love spinach and feta and these muffins give a different take on the classic spinach and feta that i`m sure everyone loves. You can leave the olives out if they are not your thing but i personally think they give these muffins a nice salty element. My secret ingredient in these muffins is Cayenne Pepper, it gives these muffins a bit of a kick and adds more flavour.

You can have these muffin as a snack or even for breakfast in the morning if your having a busy morning. They are hardy and scrumptious and just about the perfect muffin. Serve these muffins with some butter and cheese or you can eat them by themselves. I personally love these muffins by themselves.

Hope you guys love these muffins i mean you could even spice them up a bit by adding onions or broccoli and even kale. The options for these muffins are endless.

The Best Spinach, Feta and Olive Muffins

 Total Time               Prep Time               Cook Time               Yields  
        35                            15                            20                         12

The Ingredients: 
  • 100g spinach, chopped
  • 50g  pitted olives (optional but recommended)
  • 500ml cake flour
  • 20ml baking powder
  • 3ml salt
  • 2ml cayenne pepper
  • 100g feta cheese, crumbled
  • 125ml(half a cup) milk
  • 145ml oil
  • 2 eggs
The Method:
  1. Preheat oven to 200℃.
  2. Spray a muffin tin and set aside.
  3. Cook the spinach until just soft. Set aside. Cut the olives in half, length wise and set aside.
  4. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and cayenne pepper together. Add the feta cheese, spinach and olives.
  5. In another bowl, whisk the oil, milk and eggs together. Mix until the flour is just moist, the batter should still be a bit lumpy.
  6. Spoon the batter into the muffin pans, fill muffin tins to two-thirds full. 
  7. Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Once done let it cool on a wire rack and enjoy.

Hope you guys loved the recipe.
See you next time.


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